The research.

Every strong brand is based on insights gleaned from research. Working with our agency partner, WongDoody (yes, that’s their real name!), we conducted 20+ stakeholder interviews with our faculty, students, alumni, and senior leadership, to help identify key themes around audience, brand purpose, and positioning. We also reviewed the competitive landscape to understand the context through which NU’s message and brand identity will be perceived.
1000+ hours of interviews, focus groups and creative meetings

The insight.

We learned today’s working adults are overwhelmed by the investment it takes to go back to school to earn a degree — and the lack of resources to support them. The cultural myth of self-reliance doesn’t work in education because the playing field isn’t even. When it comes to going back to school, support is vital to our learners’ success. At National University, we’re committed to providing meaningful support to our students. This means we’re purposeful and proactive in offering programs and services designed to help break the individual barriers they face as they strive toward higher education.

The positioning.

NU’s new “Whole Human Education” delivers a holistic approach to student well-being through a supportive ecosystem that measures success financially, academically, socially and emotionally, as well as through family life and career.