Office of the Ombudsman
The Ombudsman Office is an informal, impartial, independent, neutral and confidential place for community members to address concerns. This office works to provide informal assistance to resolve differences and help build mutual understanding. The University is committed to providing its community with an outlet for informally raising and addressing concerns in a confidential, independent, safe, supportive, respectful and neutral environment.
The Ombudsman Office reports administratively to the President of the University but operates independently and has no formal decision-making authority or disciplinary responsibilities. Ombudsman do not act as advocates for any one position in a dispute; rather they strive for fairness of process and healthy conflict resolution. Interactions with the University Ombudsman supplement, but do not replace, formal processes relating to employment with the University.
Faculty, students, and staff are welcome and encouraged to contact the university Ombudsman for unbiased assistance and guidance in resolving any complaints or concerns. The purpose of the Ombudsman Office is to ensure that everyone at National University is heard and given the proper respect and support in handling grievances. The Ombudsman will first help find a solution to the raised situation; and then will assist in determining whether a formal complaint is the appropriate course of action, and if so, will guide individuals to the necessary channels.
The Office of the University Ombudsman believes it is most effective to meet with you in person but can speak with you over the phone if you prefer. Generally, the office does not work through email and discourages you from emailing any confidential information. For assistance, please contact the National University Office of the Ombudsman at (858) 642-8368 or [email protected]. To schedule an appointment, the office is located at TPS 245.
Here are some examples of common issues that can be discussed with the University Ombudsman Office:
- Miscommunication between supervisors, coworkers, employees, and/or students
- Confusion around policies and/or procedures
- Ethical and unfair treatment concerns