National University Embarks on Fundraising Campaign to Establish a Scholarship Fund for Military Veterans | National University

National University Embarks on Fundraising Campaign to Establish a Scholarship Fund for Military Veterans

Distinguished community leaders RADM Ronne Froman and Linden Blue to chair inaugural benefit dinner

San Diego, Calif. – National University, the second-largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California and the 12th-largest in the United States, today announced an initiative to raise funds for the university’s newly established Veterans’ Victory Scholarship Fund benefiting students who are Veterans of the armed forces. The Veterans’ Victory Scholarship Fund is the latest example of National University’s ongoing, nationally recognized efforts in providing accessible and affordable college educations to those who have served in the military.

To spearhead the campaign, military leader and nonprofit founder RADM Ronne Froman, United States Navy (Ret) and entrepreneur and community leader Linden Blue, vice chairman of General Atomics, have taken the helm as co-chairs of National University’s inaugural dinner, Visionary Voices, A Tribute to Our Veterans. Proceeds from the dinner will fund the scholarship program and serve as the main vehicle to cultivate awareness and visibility of this effort, bringing together military, business, and community leaders. In a move that demonstrates its commitment to Veterans’ success, National University has committed to matching, dollar-for-dollar, all sponsorships at $5,000 or above.

“The talents, skills and experience of our military Veterans are an invaluable resource; helping Veterans apply this knowledge to a college education is part of the mission at National University,” said Patricia Potter, interim president at National University. “Establishing the scholarship fund further enhances our services for Veterans, ensuring that they can receive a quality education and are better poised to make important contributions to our workforce and community.”

More than one million Veterans are currently unemployed. According to data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current jobless rate for Veterans aged 18 to 24 is 30 percent. These staggering statistics illustrate why it is crucial to improve Veterans’ career prospects through education and transitional programs. To aid Veteran students in adjusting to academic and civilian life, National University founded the Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success in 2010, which focuses on increasing student retention, guiding Veteran students in achieving educational and career goals, and improving their quality of life. National University’s on-base learning centers, including nine in San Diego alone, contribute to the enrollment of more than 6,000 active duty military and Veteran students, which leads local universities.

According to Admiral Froman, “Providing Veterans with the resources to reach their educational goals is a powerful way to thank them for their service and to invest in our country—a skilled, educated workforce helps the United States compete globally. With the need for greater access to affordable higher education, we felt compelled to support this vital initiative.”

Linden Blue continued by stating, “National University sets high standards of excellence in military education and helping active duty military and Veterans transition to academic life—efforts that have been recognized by industry-leading professionals and publications.”

National University has a history of dedication to its active duty, reserve, and Veteran students, and to the military community at large. In 2003 the university received the Ray Ehrensberger Award for Excellence in Military Education, awarded to accredited institutions that have distinguished themselves through innovative and dedicated contributions to the principles of military education. Additionally, National University was recognized in 2009 by Military Advanced Education magazine as one of America’s Top Military Friendly Colleges and Universities. G.I. Jobs magazine also named National University as a “Military Friendly School” in 2010 and 2011.

Visionary Voices, A Tribute to Our Veterans will take place October 27, 2012 at the San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina. Sponsorships, corporate tables, and individual tickets are available now by contacting The Alarus Agency at (619) 235-4542.

Founded in 1971, National University is the second-largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California and the 12th-largest in the United States. With 22,000 full-time students and 230,000 alumni, National University is the flagship institution of the National University System. National University is dedicated to making lifelong learning opportunities accessible, challenging, and relevant to a diverse population of students. Five schools and one college – the College of Letters and Sciences; the School of Business and Management; the School of Education; the School of Engineering, Technology and Media; the School of Health and Human Services; and the School of Professional Studies – offer 75 graduate and undergraduate degrees and 22 teacher credentials at more than 45 locations throughout California and across the nation. A leader in online education, National University offers more than 70 degree programs via the Internet. National University is headquartered in La Jolla, California. To learn more, visit

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