2015 – Sanford Institute of Philanthropy Presenting Sponsor of National Philanthropy Day San Diego

The Institute, launched in 2014, is dedicated to supporting the positive impacts of nonprofits through a focus on effective fundraising

 SAN DIEGO – Aug. 11, 2015 – National University’s Sanford Institute of Philanthropy, which supports the positive impacts of nonprofits through educational and training programs, is the presenting sponsor of National Philanthropy Day San Diego 2015. Organized annually by the Association of Fundraising Professionals San Diego Chapter (AFP San Diego), the Nov. 9 event is an opportunity to honor local community members and organizations for their involvement and contributions in helping improve the lives of others. National University is the 2nd largest private, nonprofit university in California.

“We are extremely honored to join with the AFP San Diego to recognize the many contributions being made by our region’s philanthropists, foundations and nonprofits,” said Dr. Allyson Handley, event co-chair and Executive Director of the Sanford Education Center, which includes the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy. “The San Diego region benefits greatly from the involvement and support of the philanthropy and nonprofit communities, which is why it’s so important for us to celebrate their tireless dedication, passion and commitment to our communities.”

Serving as co-chairs for the event are Dr. Handley and Nancy Rohland, executive vice president of National University. Nancy Jamison, executive director of San Diego Grantmakers, is the honorary committee chairperson.

Part of a nationwide day of recognition, National Philanthropy Day San Diego highlights the long-term community impact of philanthropy, the role of the development staff and volunteers and celebrates the rich diversity in the region. As presenting sponsor, National University and its Sanford Institute of Philanthropy is the event’s lead sponsoring organization, contributing significantly with logistical and organizational support in advance of the 43rd Annual National Philanthropy Day luncheon.

The National Philanthropy San Diego luncheon is slated for Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel San Diego. More than 1,000 people are expected to attend, including members of local nonprofits as well as local philanthropists and community service leaders. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Individual tickets are $85 each, and include event parking.

Proceeds from the awards luncheon support the AFP San Diego’s professional development, diversity and scholarship initiatives. The focus of National Philanthropy Day and the AFP San Diego aligns closely with the mission of the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy at National University, making for a strong partnership.

The Sanford Institute of Philanthropy is dedicated to increasing the positive impact of nonprofits and cause organizations through specialized training and educational offerings that emphasize proven approaches to fundraising, donor relations and cause sales. The Institute offers seminars, certificates and a master’s degree program in Cause Leadership with curriculum developed by the University’s School of Business and Management and Division of Extended Learning, The Institute was established at National University in 2014. For more information: https://www.sanfordinstituteofphilanthropy.org/

About National University
Founded in 1971, National University is the second-largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California. With 30,000 students and more than 230,000 alumni, National University is the flagship institution of the National University System. National University is dedicated to making lifelong learning opportunities accessible, challenging, and relevant to a diverse population of students. Five schools and one college – the College of Letters and Sciences; the School of Business and Management; the School of Education; the School of Engineering and Computing; the School of Health and Human Services; and the School of Professional Studies – offer more than 100 graduate and undergraduate degrees and 23 teacher credentials. Programs are offered at locations throughout California and across the nation, and are also available online. National University is headquartered in La Jolla, California.

About the Association of Fundraising Professionals San Diego Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals San Diego Chapter (AFP San Diego) is dedicated to empowering people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising through education, certification, mentoring and diversity recruitment. The AFP San Diego Chapter represents over 350 professionals who are the leaders of their respective nonprofit organizations. AFP was formerly the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE). Since 1972, AFP has been honoring the spirit of philanthropy in our community by honoring local individuals and companies for their philanthropic endeavors.

Media contact:
Anna Cearley
Director of Public Relations
[email protected]

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