2015 – National University Hosts Major Cause Marketing Conference

Sponsorship of the San Diego American Marketing Association’s Cause Conference May 8 reflects University’s continued commitment to nonprofit organizations and initiatives

San Diego, Calif. – May 4, 2015 – Reflecting its continued commitment to nonprofit organizations and causes, National University is proud to sponsor and host the San Diego American Marketing Association’s Cause Conference on Friday, May 8, at its Torrey Pines location. The event will feature 30 speakers, including University faculty and representatives of the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy, at the second-largest private nonprofit university in California.

The 17th Annual San Diego AMA Cause Conference is a full-day event for marketers from nonprofit and purpose-driven organizations who are passionate about learning best practices in marketing, connecting with leaders and causes in the region, and looking to excel with new and innovative ideas. The event’s mission aligns closely with that of National University’s own support of nonprofit organizations and causes through initiatives, educational programs and sponsorships of community events.

“We are thrilled to be hosting the San Diego AMA Cause Conference, because it allows us to support the great work being done by cause organizations and others dedicated to the public good,” said Dr. Steven Lorenzet, Dean of the National University School of Business and Management. “This conference brings together a community of professionals dedicated to improving our society through effective research, communication and application of strategies to increase the positive impact of cause campaigns and organizations.”

Empowering cause organizations is also a goal of National University’s Sanford Institute of Philanthropy. The Institute offers seminars, including a seminar scheduled for May 12, certificate programs and a master’s degree program with an emphasis on cause sales, cause leadership and fundraising – developed by the University’s School of Business and Management and the Division of Extended Learning.

Highlights at the AMA May 8 Cause Conference include:

Leveraging Your Social Investments. Bob Kelly, Executive-in-Residence with the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy, will discuss how companies today are looking to do more than just write a check and how you can turn an investment into a co-marketing opportunity. Mr. Kelly is the former longtime President and CEO at the San Diego Foundation.

Results Matter: What Results to Measure and Report. Dr. Mary Beth McCabe, an Assistant Professor at the National University School of Business and Management, will provide insights into best practices involving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Dr. McCabe teaches Marketing Management, Mobile Marketing, Services Marketing, E-marketing and Marketing Research. She earned the Lifetime Achievement Award in Hispanic Marketing from the San Diego Advertising Club in 2009 and has owned and operated Sun Marketing since 1993.

Co-Mission Marketing Success Stories. Anna-Marie Rooney, Chief Information Officer at the Salk Institute, Rick Hazard, Vice President of Marketing at WAXIE Sanitary Supply, and Dan McGinley, Director of the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy, will discuss how purpose-driven organizations have been able to tell powerful brand stories with their cause initiatives.

An opening reception is set for the evening of May 7 at the Hilton Torrey Pines, 10950 N. Torrey Pines Road, in La Jolla. Tickets and additional information are available at: 

About National University

Founded in 1971, National University is the second-largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California. With 30,000 students and more than 230,000 alumni, National University is the flagship institution of the National University System. National University is dedicated to making lifelong learning opportunities accessible, challenging, and relevant to a diverse population of students. Five schools and one college – the College of Letters and Sciences; the School of Business and Management; the School of Education; the School of Engineering and Computing; the School of Health and Human Services; and the School of Professional Studies – offer more than 75 graduate and undergraduate degrees and 23 teacher credentials. Programs are offered at locations throughout California and across the nation, and are also available online. National University is headquartered in La Jolla, California.

Media contact:
Anna Cearley
Director of Public Relations
[email protected]

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