National University Endowment Grows by 9.6%: Its Assets Now Rank Among Nation's 200 Largest

2004-08-25 National University Endowment Grows by 9.6%: Its Assets Now Rank Among Nation’s 200 Largest

La Jolla , CA National University ‘s endowment is now among the top 200 largest college and university endowments in the nation, according to preliminary results of the National Association of College and University Business Officers’ 2003 survey of the nation’s leading 716 college and university endowments.

Based upon assets of $178.27 million in Fiscal 2003, National University ‘s endowment advanced from the 204th to the 193 rd largest endowment in the United States , increasing in value by 9.6 percent from $162.56 million in Fiscal 2002. Its growth rate last year was among the top 25 colleges and universities in the nation with assets of $100 million or more. Over the past five years, National University endowment assets have increased by an average annual rate of 9.69 percent

Among California ‘s private colleges and universities, National University ‘s endowment ranks among the top 10, surpassing Scripps College and its endowment of $157.44 million for 9th place. Among San Diego area colleges and universities, National University ‘s endowment remains the largest. By comparison, The University of California at San Diego Foundation’s endowment ranks 211th on NACUBO’s most recent survey, with assets of $158.98 million. The University of San Diego ‘s endowment ranks 302nd in the nation, with assets of $96.99 million. San Diego State University and Foundation reported assets of $62.34 million for fiscal 2003, ranking 372nd nationally.

For more information regarding National University ‘s endowment, please contact David Neville at (858) 642-8163.

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