2017 National University Student Scholarship Conference | National University

2017 National University Student Scholarship Conference

April 11, 2017 – More than 60 research projects were presented by students from throughout California at the 2017 National University Student Scholarship Conference in San Diego. Research was presented through posters, displays, films and online video conferencing that represented a wide variety of scholarship across all disciplines, including education, technology, science, communication and the arts.

“The high quality of student submissions is both rewarding and inspiring,” said National University president Dr. David Andrews. “The work stands as a testament to the tenacity and determination of National University students and as a tribute to the commitment of our faculty, whose service goes far beyond the classroom.”

The conference is hosted through a collaboration of the provost, deans, research council, student scholarship team and faculty mentors. It is through the endeavor of this conference that students demonstrate the critical-thinking abilities that are essential to becoming a scholar. Scholarship helps the University advance its academic programs and engages its community of lifelong learners. In recent years, several students who presented at the Student Scholarship Conference have had their research published in peer-reviewed journals, thus advancing knowledge in their disciplines.

“The commitment, drive and passion demonstrated by these students, along with their faculty advisors, represent the exceptional work that transforms a student into a member of the academic community,” said Dr. Gangaram Singh, provost of National University.

Whether presenting as an individual or as a group of students, each project was guided and nominated by a faculty mentor. During the three-hour presentation expo, faculty judges met with research groups to carefully evaluate each project, resulting in one undergraduate and one graduate winner from each of the University’s four schools and two colleges. From those 12 finalists, two winners were selected to receive a $500 scholarship. Michele Aguilara from the Sanford College of Education was the graduate winner for her project on Students, Teachers and Parents’ Perceptions of High Stakes Testing. Kristen Yep was the undergraduate winner from the School of Health and Human Services for her work with Clinical Trial Research Protocol for Blood iAssays.

All of the work displayed at the conference contributed significantly to the higher education community and stimulated scholarly discussion amongst faculty, students and staff. Here are highlights of a few exceptional projects:

NU deans with winners from 2017 Student Scholarship Conference. Watch the video to learn more.

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