Dr. Gabriela Walker
Dr. Gabriela Walker is an Associate Professor coordinating the Special Education Department at National University in Fresno, California. Dr. Walker provides leadership for the Special Education Masters in Education courses, and she just ended Chairing the Special Education Research Special Interest Group with the international American Educational Research Association (AERA). She is an Associate Editor for NU’s Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning (JRITL), and she is involved in the local professional community by attending the Fresno County Women’s Chamber of Commerce Club meetings and the Annual Fresno Compact Luncheon.
Growing up in a European country, where she worked with the Rroma (Gypsy) population, Dr. Walker brings a range of perspectives to education and leadership studies. She also taught K-5 in a rural school in Georgia, USA. She obtained her degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S., in Global Policy Studies; the University of Georgia, U.S., in Special Education; and the University of Bucharest, Romania, in Inclusive Education and Psychology. Current research interests include Autism Spectrum Disorders, methodologies for teaching special populations (including assistive technology), global educational policies, innovation in health and well-being of school populations, and children•s rights.
1. Walker, G., Yockey, M., & Wone, B. W.M. (in review). Globalization and Addiction Disabilities in Working Populations: Global Correlates to Living with Disabilities Due to Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Food Overconsumption.
2. Walker, G. (2020). Lessons from a global analysis of the UN Conventions on children and disability rights. (virtual presentation). Proceedings to the IAFOR Hawaii International Conference on Education, TBA.
3. Walker, G. & Venker Weidenbenner, J. (2019). Social and Emotional Learning in the age of virtual play: Technology, empathy, and learning. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning, 12(2), 116-132. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-03-2019-0046
4. Walker, G. (2019). Editorial Comment: Social and Emotional Learning and Studies on Fostering Synergistic Development. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning, 12(2), 102-5. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-06-2019-047 retrievable from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JRIT-06-2019-047/full/html
5. Walker, G. (2019). Editorial Comment: Social and Emotional Learning, Education, and Life Success. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 2-3. DOI 10.1108/JRIT-06-2019-047
6. Walker, G., & Wone, B. W.M. (2017). Towards a Healthy Society: Identifying Socio-Cultural Factors that Might Influence Disabling Addictive Behaviors in Working Populations. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 8(4), ISSN 2042-6364 (Online, available at http://infonomics-society.org/wp-content/uploads/ijcdse/published-papers/volume-8-2017/Towards-a-Healthy-Society-Identifying-Socio-Cultural-Factors-that-Might-Influence-Disabling-Addictive-Behaviors-.pdf). (Impact Factor 2017: 5.214)*
7. Walker, G., & Wone, B. W.M. (2017). Socio-Cultural Factors Impacting Disabling Addictive Behaviors in Work-Aged Populations. Conference Proceedings: Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada, June 26-29, 2017, Mississauga ON, Canada.
8. Cash, J., & Walker, G. (2017). Mastering the Use of Tablet Technology in a Teacher Preparation Curriculum. Conference Proceedings: 28th International Conference, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), March 5-9, 2017, Austin, Texas. Conference repository link https://www.academicexperts.org/conf/site/2017/papers/50868/
9. Walker, G. (2017). Romania. In Michael L. Wehmeyer and James R. Patton (Eds.), The Praeger International Handbook of Special Education, Volume 2: Europe and Africa. Goleta, California: Praeger, ABC-CLIO Corporate Headquarters.
10. Walker, G. (2016). The role of Small Wins theory in ecology of special education: From organizational management to educational leadership. Conference Proceedings: Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning (MAC-ETL 2015), Academic Conferences Association in Prague. Published at https://books.google.com/books?id=SkAmCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA71&lpg=PA71&dq=Gabriela+Walker+small+wins+theory&source=bl&ots=JFzJv7YnLP&sig=UJl8gVGeud-zIEjHWrWIg5YVaoo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW_aSf36HRAhUD7oMKHcD_BZYQ6AEIITAB#v=onepage&q=Gabriela%20Walker%20small%20wins%20theory&f=false
11. Walker, G., Pattison, E., Struble, M., Baker, K., Burgel, S., Deaton, L., Domino, K., McClain, K., McLead, J., McWilliams, C., Pack, J. Q., Scott, B., Shannon, K., Smith, C., & Spitzer, K. (2015). Reviewing Bronfenbrenner•s ecological framework of support systems for education and special education: An interpretive review by teachers for teachers. In E. Railean, G. Walker, L. Jackson, and A. Elci (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Learning Theory and Design in Modern Education (pp. 254-274). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. Advances in Information Resources Management Book Series.
12. Walker, G. (2014). Impact of ecological factors on concern and awareness about disability: A statistical analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 2781-2789. DOI 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.07.022 (PII S0891-4222(14)00292-3)* (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.869).
13. Walker, G. (2011). De-institutionalization in Romania: Education, human rights, and the ecology of disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 22(3), 150-159. DOI: 10.1177/1044207310394853.
14. Walker, G. (2010). Building `special capital• for entrepreneurial development: Special populations as human capital in the context of global development. Policy Futures in Education, 8(6), 697-708. DOI: 10.2304/pfie.2010.8.6.697.
15. Walker, G. (2010). Rechanneling disruptive behaviors: Towards epiducation and ecoducation. In Alexandra M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 67. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN-13: 9781607418177.
16. Walker, G., Fitzpatrick, M., & Rakochy, A. (2010). Critical theory: A book review symposia. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 8(1), pp. 448-459. [Peters, Michael, Lankshear, Colin, & Olssen, Mark. (2003). Critical Theory and the Human Condition: Founders and Praxis. Series: Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 168. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Pp. viii + 288. ISBN 0-8204-5168-1. $ 29.95 (softcover).]
17. Thayer, J., & Walker, G. (2010). State and society in post-socialist economies: A book review. John Pickles, State and Society in Post-Socialist Economies. Studies in Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. xvi +281 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0230522145. Europe-Asia Studies, 62(4), 725-746. *
18. Walker, G. (2009). Post-socialist working class in Romania: A book review. (David A. Kideckel, Getting by in Post-Socialist Romania: Labor, the Body and Working-Class Culture. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana Press University, 2008. xii + 266 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0253219404.) Europe-Asia Studies, 61(9), 1659-80. *
19. Walker, G. (2009). Inclusive education in Romania: Policies and practices in post-communist Romania. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(2), 165-181. First published on September 2009 on iFirst. DOI: 10.1080/13603110802504192.
20. Walker, G. (2008). Constant and progressive time delay procedures for teaching children with autism: A literature review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(2), 261-275. DOI:
10.1007/s10803-007-0390-4. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/1682710076n68305/*
21. Walker, G. (2008). Policy, experience, and change in inclusive education: A book review. Remedial and Special Education, 30(6), 381-383. (Barton, Len, & Armstrong, Felicity. (2007). Policy, Experience and Change: Cross Cultural Reflections on Inclusive Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Pp. xv + 199. ISBN 1-4020-5118-2. $159.00 (hardcover). DOI: 10.1177/0741932508324400.
22. Walker, G. (2008). Overrepresented minorities in special education in the United States and Romania: Comparison between African-American and Roma populations in disability studies. Research in Comparative and International Education Journal, 3(4), 394-403. DOI: 10.2304/rcie.2008.3.4.394. Available at http://dx.DOI.org/10.2304/rcie.2008.3.4.394 *
23. Walker, G. (2008). Admission and graduation requirements for special education doctoral programs at top 20 American universities. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 14(2), 16-25. Available at http://www.oadd.org/publications/journal/issues/vol14no2/walker.htm; and (2009) in International Journal of Special Education, 24(1), 53-63. Available at www.internationalsped.com/documents/24%201%20complete.doc and https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ842119
24. Walker, G. (2008). Admission requirements for education doctoral programs at top 20 American universities, College Student Journal, 42(2), 357-366. Available at http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ816899&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ816899
25. Walker, G. (2008). Global digital connect and disconnect through open education: Open source in Romania and the promise of open education. In M. A. Peters and R. G. Britez (Eds.) Open Education and Education for Openness (pp. 79-94). Book Series: Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-9087906795.
* These articles are featured in the Thompson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index (ISI Web of Science)