School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions - Faculty
Harkirat Bal
Assistant ProfessorDr. Irene Benliro
Associate FacultyDr. Ritika Bhawal
Associate ProfessorDr. Sara Cook
Associate ProfessorMs. Melodie Daniels
Associate FacultyDr. Tracy Dawes
Associate ProfessorDr. Alba Diaz
Associate ProfessorDr. Susan Drummond
ProfessorJennifer Du Bois
Associate FacultyJeanette Duran-Arnn
Assistant ProfessorDr. Brandon Eggleston
ProfessorBrooks Ensign
Associate FacultyMrs. Jaime Estrada
Associate FacultySara Franco
Assistant ProfessorKhadija Hamisi
Assistant ProfessorDr. Joann Harper
ProfessorMarcia Harris-Luna
Associate FacultyJulie Hinchey
Associate FacultyMrs. Jennifer Holt
Associate FacultyAngela James
Assistant ProfessorDr. Lettica Johnson-Highsmith
Assistant ProfessorDr. Lockford Jones
Associate ProfessorSylvia Jones
Assistant ProfessorDr. Eric Kramer
Associate FacultyKatarzyna LaLicata
Associate ProfessorKita Lastrape
Assistant ProfessorMrs. Kelli Lofoco
Associate FacultyDr. Michael MacKinnon
Associate ProfessorMs. Linda Macomber
Assistant ProfessorDr. Joseph Martin
Associate ProfessorDr. Mary McHugh
ProfessorDr. Michael Myers
ProfessorMrs. Maniphanh Noraky
Associate FacultyDr. Ricardo Parker
Associate ProfessorMr. Shannon Patrick
Assistant ProfessorDr. Gina Piane
ProfessorDr. Gabriel Pineda
Associate ProfessorLee Ranalli
Associate FacultyDr. Peggy Ranke
Associate ProfessorMs. Nancy Richmond
Associate FacultyJoseph Rodriguez
Associate FacultyDr. Patric Schiltz
ProfessorDr. Tyler Smith
ProfessorDr. Alan Smith
Associate FacultyDr. Linda Takvorian
Assistant ProfessorMrs. Donalee Waschak
Assistant ProfessorDr. Tara Zolnikov
Associate ProfessorNational University Statement of Academic Freedom
The National University Faculty Handbook, approved by the National University Board of Trustees on July 29, 2022, defines Academic Freedom in Section 1.4 as follows:
1.4 Academic FreedomThe University supports academic freedom as a right and a responsibility within the academy. As a right, academic freedom ensures the freedom of thought and expression as it applies to the artfulness of teaching, as well as discipline / subject content publication, oral presentation, and extramural activities. Academic freedom as a responsibility includes specific, intentional, learning-science based strategies and andragogical interventions, which will be designed collaboratively across academic stakeholders. While faculty members have the right to choose and use external, third-party materials (for example “textbook”) that they deem appropriate to program or course outcomes in their classes, those materials, syllabi and all content must adhere to the design standards as outlined by the president and provost office. Academic freedom grants faculty members the liberty to teach, pursue, discuss knowledge, do research, and publish the research results. In the classroom, faculty have the right to teach and say what they believe to be pertinent to the subject at hand.