Dr. Veronica Ardi-Pastores

Dr. Ardi earned her PhD in Environmental Toxicology, BS in Biology, and BS in Chemistry at UC Irvine. She conducted postdoctoral research at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA). She is trained in microbial, molecular, and cellular biology.

Dr. Ardi teaches General Biology (BIO 161), Cellular Biology (BIO 406), Microbiology (BIO 203), and Introductory Chemistry (CHE 101). As a researcher, she studies coastal water quality with emphasis on pathogen source tracking. She frequently has students joining her research projects.


  • Deryugina, E., Carré, A., Ardi, V., Muramatsu, T., Schmidt, J., Pham, C., & Quigley, J. P.. (2020). Neutrophil Elastase Facilitates Tumor Cell Intravasation and Early Metastatic Events. iScience, 23(12): 101799.
  • Barral A.M., Ardi V.C., Simmons R.E.. (2018). Student Learning in an Accelerated Introductory Biology Course Is Significantly Enhanced by a Flipped-Learning Environment. CBE Life Sci Educ,
  • Partridge, Madsen, Ardi , Papagiannakopoulos, Kupriyanova, Quigley, And Deryugina.. (2009). Functional Analysis of MMPs and TIMPs differentially expressed by Variants of Human HT-1080 Fibrosarcoma Exhibiting High and Low Levels of intravasation and metastasis. J Biol Chem., 282: 35964-3597.
  • E. Deryugina, E. Conn, V. Ardi, J. Partridge, T. Kupriyanova, A. Wortmann, J. Hooper, &J. Quigley. (2009). Functional role of cell surface CUB domain-containing protein 1 in tumor cell dissemination. Mol Cancer Res., 7(8): 1197-211.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V.. (2009). TIMP-free proMMP-9 derived from inflammatory neutrophils catalytically triggers physiologic angiogenesis via a FGF-2-mediated pathway. J Biol Chem., 284(38): 25854-66.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V.. (2007). Human Neutrophils Uniquely Release TIMP-Free MMP-9 to Provide a Potent catalytic Stimulator of Angiogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104: 20262-2026.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V.. (2004). Increase Sensitivity in Detection and Quantitation of Virulence Factors of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas caviae using Quantitative PCR. Fifth International Conference on Envir. Problems,
  • Fu, C.H., Martin-Aragon, S., Ardi, V.C., Danenberg, P., And Avramis, V.I.. (2001). Reversal of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) resistance by the synergistic combination of 6-Thioguanine plus ara-C plus PEG-asparaginase (TGAP) in human leukemia lines lacking or expressing p53 protein. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol., 48(2): 123-33..
  • Martin-Aragon, S., Fu, C., Solorzano, M., Ardi, V., And Avramis, V.I.. (2000). Cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) resistance confers cross-resistance or collateral sensitivity to other classes of anti-leukemic drugs. Anticancer Res., 20(1A): 139-50.


  • Ardi-Pastores, V. Beyond Flipping: Quality of Active Learning makes a Significant Difference in Inverted Classrooms. Conference presented at the SABER West 2017 – Guest Speaker.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V. Workshop title: Implementing an Inquiry-based Microbial Project with a Traditional Laboratory Manual. Conference presented at the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2015 – Guest Speaker.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V. Active learning in a flipped classroom: implementation and assessment. Poster presented at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2016.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V. Deploying Inquiry-based Experiments in Undergraduate Laboratory Courses. Poster presented at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research West Conference 2018.
  • Ardi-Pastores, V. The Flipside of Active Learning and the Inverted Classroom. Poster presented at the ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators 2016.
Dr. Veronica Ardi-Pastores

Contact Information

Dr. Veronica Ardi-Pastores

College: School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences

Department: Mathematics & Natural Sciences

[email protected]

(858) 642-8647

Torrey Pines South Campus


UC Irvine - PHD - Environmental Toxicology