Dr. Jacqueline Ruiz


  • American Chemical Society
  • International Society for Antiviral Research


  • Ruiz, J. C.. (2011). Synthesis, metabolic stability and antiviral evaluation of various alkoxyalkyl esters of cidofovir and 9-(S)-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine. 19(9): 2950-2958.
  • P. Lahti, B. Esat, J. Ruiz, Y. Lui, K. Marby, X. Chumping, G. Clifford, G. Antorrena, F. Palacio. (2006). Polymeric H-Bonded and Chelatable Phenoxyl and nitroxides radicals. 334: 285-294.
  • P. Lahti, J. Ruiz, G. Clifford, P. Oliete, M. Julier, F. Palacio.. (2001). Hydrogen Bonded benzimidazole based tert-butylnitroxides. 2014: 65-73.
  • J. Ruiz, P. Lahti, G. Clifford, G. Antorrea, F. Palacio. (1999). Synthesis Crystallographic and Magnetic Properties of 2-tert-butylaminoxylbenzimidazole. 1999: 2005-2210.
  • A. Zapata, J. Ruiz.. (1994). Palladium Calalyzed Reactions of Styryl bromides with 1-propenyltributyilin. C6-C8: 479.
  • N. Urdaneta, J. Ruiz, A. Zapata. (1994). Palladium Catalyzed reactions of a-bromo-ab-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. C33-C34: 464.
  • Ferrer, Jacqueline R.; Lahti, Paul M.; George, Clifford; Oliete, Patricia; Julier, Michel; Palacio,. (n.d.). Role of Hydrogen Bonds in Benzimidazole-Based Organic Magnetic Materials: Crystal Scaffolding or Exchange Linkers. 13(7): 2447-2454.
  • Y. Miyazaki, T. Sakakibara, J. Ruiz, P. Lahti, G. Antorrena, F. Palacio, M. Sorai.. (n.d.). Heat Capacity and antiferromagnetic Phase Transition of the organic radical magnet, 2-tert-butylaminoxybenzimidazole (BABI). B: 8615-8620.
  • Ruiz, J. C.. (n.d.). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of alkoxyalkyl-phosphate conjugates of cidofovir and adefovir. 75(1): 8790.
  • Ruiz, J. C.. (n.d.). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of alkoxyalkyl esters of phosphonopropoxymethyl-guanine and phosphonopropoxymethyl-diaminopurine. 17(2): 89-95.
  • Ruiz, J. C.. (n.d.). Synthesis isolation and magnetic properties of hydrogen -bonded tert -butylnitroxides. Doctoral Dissertations.
Dr. Jacqueline Ruiz

Contact Information

Dr. Jacqueline Ruiz

College: School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences

Department: Mathematics & Natural Sciences

[email protected]

(858) 642-8583

Torrey Pines South Campus


UMAS, Amherst - PHD - Chemistry