Dr. Igor Subbotin

Dr. Igor Subbotin earned PhD in Mathematics at Mathematics Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Before joining National University, he taught mathematics at Kiev National University of Technology.

At National University, Dr. Subbotin regularly teaches different mathematics classes and supervises mathematics programs.

Dr. Subbotin’s main area of research is algebra. He intensively investigated infinite and finite groups defined by prescribed properties of important families of subgroups and quotient groups, generalized normal subgroups and their influence on the structure of a group, infinite dimensional linear group, and others. He has had the privilege to collaborate with several world-class mathematicians from different countries, including professors L.Kurdachenko, M. Dixon, J. Otal, N. Kuzennyi, V. Kirichenko, P. Shymyatskii, N. Semko, A. Russo, G. Vinchenzi, L. Kazarin, Z. Duan, and others. His list of publications includes more than 120 articles in algebra published in major mathematics journals in many countries including USA, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Russia, China, Brazil, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Turkey. He also authored more than 50 articles in mathematics education dedicated mostly to theoretical base of some topics of high school and college mathematics.

Among his publications there are several books published by Wiley and Sons, WorldScientific, Birkhäuser, and others. His research in algebra was supported by 2010-2013 Grant MTM2010-19938-CO3. 03 Propiedades aritmeticas y estructurales de los grupos. Aplicaciones II. Arithmetics and Structural properties of groups. Applications II. Supported by Proyecto MTM2010-19938-C03-03 of Dirección General de Investigación of MICINN (Spain), the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of Aragón (Spain) and FEDER funds from European Union, 2003-2005, 2005-2007, 2008-2010 The National Research Committee of Spain (CICYT) and Aragon (CONSI+D) grants, 1996 Volkswagenstiftung research grant, 2005 and 2007 Zaragoza University (Spain) Invited Professorship Awards. In 2006, 2010, 2013 and 2015 he received the National University Distinguished Researcher Awards.


  • Martyn R. Dixon, Leonid A. Kurdachenko, And Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2018). On the relationships between the factors of the upper and lower central series in some non-periodic groups. International Journal of Group Theory, 7(1): 37-50.
  • Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Aleksandr A. Pypka, Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2018). On new analogs of some classical group theoretical results in Lie rings. Infinite Group Theory. From the Past to the Future, 197-214.
  • Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Patrizia Longobardi, Mercede Maj, And Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2018). Groups with finitely many isomorphic classes of non-abelian subgroups. J. Algebra, 507: 439-466.
  • Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2018). On some infinite dimensional linear groups and the structure of related modules. Infinite Group Theory. From the Past to the Future, 185-196.
  • L.A. Kurdachenko, I.Ya. Subbotin, N.N. Semko. (2018). From Groups to Leibniz Algebras: Common Approaches, Parallel Results. Advances in Group Theory and Applications, 5: 1-31.
  • Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Igor Ya. Subbotin, Viktoriia S. Yashchuk.. (2017). Lattice rings: An interpretation of L-fuzzy rings as habitual algebraic structures. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 24(2): 94-116.
  • V. A. Chupordia, L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2017). On some -minimal- Leibniz algebras. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 16(5): 16 pages.
  • Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Nikolai N. Semko, And Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2017). The Leibniz algebras whose subalgebras are ideals. Open Math, 15: 92-100.
  • Vladimir V. Kirichenko, Leonid A. Kurdachenko, Aleksandr A. Pypka, Igor Ya. Subbotin. (2017). Some aspects of Leibniz algebra theory. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 24(1): 1-33.
  • M. R. Dixon, L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2017). Ranks of Groups: The Tools, Characteristics, and Restrictions.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). A note on residuals in groups with quasicentral abelian normal subgroups. Serdica Math. J., 42: 325-334.
  • Kurdachenko, L. A.; Subbotin, I. Ya. (2016). A brief history of an important classical theorem. Adv. Group Theory Appl., 2: 121-124.
  • M. R. Dixon, L. A. Kurdachenko, A. A. Pypka, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). Groups satisfying certain rank conditions, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 22(2): 184-200.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). The influence of arrangement of subgroups on the group structure. Note di Matematica, 36(1): 51-63.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). A brief history of an important classical theorem. Adv. Group Theory Appl., 2: 121-124.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, J. Otal, I. Ya. Subbotin.. (2016). Some Remarks about Groups of Finite Special Rank. Advances in Group Theory and Applications., 1: 55-76.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). On the relationships between the factors of upper and lower central series in groups and other algebraic structures. Note di Matematica, 36(1): 35-50.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, A. A. Pupka, N. N. Semko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2016). Survey on Infinite Groups: A Guide to Some Classical Areas. Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sc.
  • M. R. Dixon, L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2014). An Introduction to Essential Algebraic Structures.
  • M. R. Dixon, L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2010). Algebra and Number Theory: an Integrated Approach.
  • Subbotin, I. Y.. (2010). On the Influence of Some Important Types of Subgroups on the Structure of a Group. A collection of survey articles. Institute of Math.
  • Subbotin, I. Y.. (2009). Algebra and Discrete Mathematics.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, N. N. Semko, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2008). Insight into Modules over Dedekind Domains. Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sc.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, J. Otal, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2007). Artinian Modules over Group Rings, Series: Frontiers in Mathematics.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, J. Otal, I. Ya. Subbotin. (2002). Groups With Prescribed Quotient Groups and Associated Module Theory.
  • L. A. Kurdachenko, J. Otal, I. Ya. Subbotin. (1998). Groups with Many Similar Factor-Groups.
  • V. I. Kostyuk, V. N. Kirichkov, I. Ya. Subbotin. (1987). Flexible Identification of Systems and Objects: Mathematical Models and Structural Identification.


  • Subbotin, I. (2015). Transitivity of normality, generalized pronormality and related topics. Conference presented at the The 9th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, Lvov, July 8-July 12, Plenary talk, Lvov, Ukraine.
  • Subbotin, I. (2015). The influence of arrangement of subgroups on the group structure. Conference presented at the Invited plenary talk. International conference Advances in group theory and applications 2015,, Porto Cesareo (LE, Italy),.
  • Subbotin, I. (2010). On Arrangement of Subgroups in Groups and Some Related Topics. Conference presented at the International Conference Groups and their Actions. Invited talk., Poznan, Poland.
  • Subbotin, I. (2009). Pronormal subgroups and transitivity of some group properties. Conference presented at the International Conference on Group Theory "Groups St Andrews in Bath 2009", Bath 2009, England.
  • Subbotin, I. (2007). an invited lecture. Title: Groups with short balanced chains of subgroups. Lecture presented at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, Seminar on Advanced Algebra, Zaragoza, Spain.
Dr. Igor Subbotin

Contact Information

Dr. Igor Subbotin

College: School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences

Department: Mathematics & Natural Sciences

[email protected]

(310) 662-2150

Los Angeles Campus


Institute of Mathematics NAS - PHD - Mathematics