Dr. Ronald Uhlig
From 2010-2014, Dr. Ronald P. Uhlig was Dean, School of Business and Management, National University, La Jolla, CA. He returned to the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computing in 2014 as Academic Program Director for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program, sharing responsibility for the successful effort to secure ABET accreditation for this degree program, as recently announced. He is now Academic Program Director for the BS in Manufacturing Design Engineering. He currently teaches courses in cybersecurity, engineering management, engineering economics, technology and globalization, and computer ethics. During 2005-2010 he served the School of Engineering and Technology in multiple positions including Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, and Academic Program Director for the Master of Science in Wireless Communications; as well as Principal Investigator for two Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching grants. From 2000-2005, he was President/CEO, SegWave, Inc., an educational technology systems company he founded. He recently served as co-Principal Investigator for a National University grant on enhancing the student learning experience through collaboration.
Previous positions include Vice President for Russia and Eastern Europe, Qualcomm Inc., 1995-99, with offices in San Diego and Moscow, Russia and multiple positions with Northern Telecom and Bell-Northern Research in Ottawa, Canada and Richardson, TX during 1978-1995, including Director, Intelligent Network Solutions and Director, Asia/Pacific Strategic Marketing. He is one of several “Fathers of email”; based on work he did with the US Army and DARPA in the 1970s and several international committees he chaired during 1979-91. Those committees and other interests have taken him to more than 100 countries globally. He had nationwide responsibility for US Army Materiel Command scientific & engineering computing, 1969-78, pioneering many applications in what has become today’s Internet, and he served as a US Army Officer in the Office of the Chief of Staff, in the Pentagon, 1966-1968.
He holds a B.Sc. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Maryland. He received the National University Distinguished Teaching Award (Teacher of the Year) in 2016. He is the recipient of a Gold Medal from the International Telecommunications Academy, Moscow, Russia, for sustained contributions to telecommunications; the Silver Core from the International Federation for Information Processing; and the Founders Award from the International Council for Computer Communications. He serves as a member of the Steering Committee for Project Inkwell.
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Int’l Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Comm Systems
- Internet Society
- International Telecommunications Academy
Honors and Awards
- 2016, National University Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2000, ITA Gold Medal
- 1983, IFIP Silver Core Award
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2018). Enriching Responsiveness to Enhance Student Learning in Online Courses. Proceedings of the 2018 Hawaii Universities Intern,
- Shatha K. Jawad, Ronald P. Uhlig, Bhaskar Sinha, Mohammad N. Amin, Pradip Peter Dey. (2018). Multithread Affinity Scheduling Using a Decision Maker. Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 6(4): 30-37.
- Dey, P., Uhlig, R., Al Any, L. Amin, M., Sinha, B., And Badkoobehi, H.. (2017). Managing Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of, 6(1): SDG 17-21.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2017). Enhancing Student Collaboration for Improved Learning. Journal of Modern Education Review (JMER, 7(8): 529-544.
- Mehta, K., & Uhlig, R. (2017). Business Administration and Computer Science Degrees: Earnings, Job Security, and Job Satisfaction. American Journal of Business Education, First Quar, 10(1): 1-10.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2016). Powerful Small Group Project Presentations to Improve Engagement in Online Computer Science Courses. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineerin,
- Dey, P., Uhlig, R., Sinha, B. Amin, M., Zhang, L., Badkoobehi, H., Al Any, L, & Gonzales, R.. (2016). Ethics in Technological Fields. International Journal of Computer Science and Elec, 4(1): 1-6.
- Ronald P. Uhlig And Kamlesh Mehta. (2016). Computer Science Graduates: Teaching Innovations, Earnings and Reducing the Shortfall. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 9(1): 95-111.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2015). Computer Science Degree or Business Degree-Which Has the Highest Potential?. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference o, 47-63.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2015). Mapping between Computer Science Program Educational Outcomes, University Mission, and Student Outcomes. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineerin,
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2015). The Value of Business Education: A Case Study of Business Administration Graduates of a Large University. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Sprin, 27(1): 80-88.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2011). Enhancing Learning and Engagement in Engineering Classes.
- Uhlig, R. P.. (2010). Agile Response to Rapid Changes in Masters Program Student Demography. 1(1): 31-42.
- Uhlig, R. (2018). The Profound Impact of Computing and Telecommunications on the Global Economy. Speech presented at the Invited Inaugural Lecture of the Dr. Pramode Verma Endowed Lecture Series on Telecommunications, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa.
- Uhlig, R. (2016). Powerful Small Group Project Presentations to Improve Engagement in Online Computer Science Courses. Seminar presented at the National University Spring Symposium, San Diego.
- Uhlig, R. (2015). Safe Single Sign On – Practicing What We Teach. Seminar presented at the National University Faculty – Spring Symposium, San Diego, CA.