Dr. Rachel VanWieren

Rachel VanWieren directs the BA Spanish program and is course lead for General Education Spanish and ASL courses. She teaches classes in Latin American literature, culture, and history, Spanish language, US Latino literature and world literature. Her research is in the field of Latin American literary and cultural studies.


  • Vanwieren, Rachel; Garrett, Victoria. (2020). “Reimagining the Left in Neruda: Inclusivity and Encounters with Secondary Characters.”. ReFocus: The Films of Pablo Larraín. 177-195.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2017). "Reconsidering the Patagonian Worker Movements of the 1920s: Francisco Coloane's and Luis Sepúlveda's Rebellious Chilotes.". A Contracorriente, 14(3): 127-142.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2015). "Sketching Social Mobility in the Gold Rushes of California and Patagonia: Bret Harte and Manuel Rojas.". Hispanófila, 173: 281-291.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2010). "Crisis in the Search for Gold in Depression Era Chilean Rewritings of the Legend of the City of the Caesars.". Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 44: 127-46.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2010). "A Conversation with Andrew Brown: Mashing Up Latin American Literature, Science,Technology, and the Post-human." Interview by Victoria L. Garrett and Rachel VanWieren. Mester, 39: 149-160.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2009). "La amenaza del femicidio: Mujeres selk'nam e inmigrantes fueguinos en El guanacoblanco (1980) de Francisco Coloane y El corazón a contraluz (1996) de Patricio Manns.". América Latina en el nuevo milenio. 93-108.
  • VanWieren, R.. (2007). "La ciencia al servicio del imperio español: Antonio de Córdoba y el
    Estrecho de Magallanes.". Revista de Humanidades, 15-16: 169-80.
Dr. Rachel VanWieren

Contact Information

Dr. Rachel VanWieren

College: School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences

Department: Arts & Humanities

[email protected]

(310) 662-2145

Los Angeles Campus


UC Los Angeles - PHD - Hispanic Languages and Literature