What Can I Do With a Bachelor of Arts in Management? | NU

What Can I Do With a Bachelor of Arts in Management?

What Can I Do With a Bachelor of Arts in Management?

What do Doug McMillon, Tim Cook, Warren Buffet, and John Hammergren all have in common? Each of these CEOs earned a bachelor of arts in management before leading some of the world’s most notable companies. While earning a management degree doesn’t guarantee the same level of success as Apple’s CEO, a B.A. in management does provide students with the foundation necessary to become effective business leaders.

Choosing a degree in management is not only beneficial to students seeking to become influential leaders in the corporate world. Especially for adult learners re-entering academia, a bachelor of arts in management is the key to unlocking the doors to higher-paying positions that will better support their families and lifelong professional development goals. As they prepare to take on corporate leadership roles, students must develop certain skills and understand the many factors that contribute to a company’s success.

National University offers a comprehensive Bachelor of Arts in Management program with additional concentration areas that allow students to students to specialize in their studies. Designed with adult learners in mind, the program offers an excellent pathway for working professionals to advance into leadership opportunities within their respective careers.

A Brief Introduction to the Bachelor of Arts in Management

Business management programs, such as National’s bachelor of arts in management, are designed to give graduates a competitive edge over fellow job-seekers when pursuing their future careers. Specifically, the program will develop students’ skills in the following areas:

Additional learning objectives include demonstrated knowledge in organizational behaviors, motivation theories, and change theories. These skills will help contextualize how individuals will impact team members and organizational success through their leadership styles and decision-making processes.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, business-related bachelor’s degrees have become the most popular among graduating students. From 2015 to 2016, more than 370,000 earned a bachelor’s degree in business management. With so many students entering the professional world with a B.A. in management or business, it’s more important than ever to prepare for their future careers with a degree to support their skillset.

Those initially seeking admission to a program at National University can apply as long as they meet the following requirements:

National’s Bachelor of Arts in Management program is designed to be as inclusive and accessible as possible so students from all academic backgrounds can earn their degrees. Aspiring business leaders must complete at least 180 quarter units in order to qualify for their B.A. in management.

Expected Coursework & Competencies for Your Management Degree

Business leaders must possess a well-rounded skill set, in order to effectively run and make an impact on their organizations. As such, management students will explore a variety of subject areas. National students pursuing a management degree will take courses such as:

Principles of Microeconomics

Part of being a business leader means understanding market structures and consumer theory. As students work towards their degrees, coursework in Principles of Microeconomics will teach aspiring corporate leaders about pricing systems, supply and demand, and public policy — just to name a few. As a result of this class, students should develop a greater understanding of how prices are determined in markets of varying competitive natures, as well as how to identify profit-maximizing production levels for their future organizations.

Information Management in Organizations

Managing personnel and organizational policies — especially when operating a global business — means understanding the information systems and technologies available for streamlined, effective communications. Not only this, but Information Management in Organizations teaches students how these systems process data through tools such as databases, networks, and applications so they can compare and contrast the value different tools can bring to their specific organizations. Additionally, students will learn about the ethical, legal, and managerial issues that may arise as a result of information systems management.

Ethics in Law, Business Management

Ethics in Law, Business Management is one of the most essential courses for those pursuing a management degree. It is through this coursework that students will learn how to debate and negotiate effectively in American and global business settings. This material also gives students experience analyzing ethical issues in business and management, as well as the legal ramifications that can arise when working with such a diverse and technologically advanced organizational landscape.

Survey of Global Business

As future business leaders work towards their degrees, it is crucial that they develop a strong understanding of how global business relates to the following:

Students will learn the significance of the financial and legal implications of these concepts, as well as how they relate to cultural and political climates across countries.

Production Operations Management

Many of those pursuing a career in organizational management will likely be responsible for meeting production goals. To achieve this end, students must grasp the fundamentals of operations a management, as well as how to strategize competitively to succeed in the marketplace. Students will also learn how to implement r quality assurance processes to ensure production meets safety and compliance standards within their organization.

Additional coursework might include the following:

As future business leaders lay the groundwork for their career success during their studies, they will begin to identify areas in which they may wish to focus. There are a number of specialization paths aspiring graduates can take to further develop their skills and bring the most value to their future employers.

Concentrating YourManagement Degree

To be an effective business leader, it’s no longer sufficient to just have leadership or management skills. Organizations are multifaceted with many factors that either lead to their success or failure. The most effective managers are not only able to lead personnel across departments but also have demonstrated competencies in a wide range of industry topics, such as economics, law, human resources, or marketing.

Through the Bachelor of Arts in Management program at National, aspiring graduates have the option to concentrate their studies in the following areas:

Alternative Dispute Resolution

One of the most in-demand skillsets for business leaders is proficiency in alternative dispute resolution. This area of expertise deals in negotiation, mediation, and facilitation to promote strong business relationships and a better understanding between diverse cultures. Especially for those interested in global business leadership, an alternative dispute resolution concentration will empower managers to use those skills to achieve mutually beneficial agreements across multinational organizations.

Business Law

The business law concentration is ideal for those who wish to work in the legal aspects of organizational operations. Knowledge in this area is not only essential for ensuring businesses engage in legal activities, but it can also empower business leaders to enact significant change within the corporate landscape. Coursework in business law prepares leaders to engage with local governmental bodies to create impactful legislation for businesses of the future.


An organization’s bottom line is often the most important factor in its success or failure. Those interested in understanding how to maximize profits and make economically sound decisions for their businesses will find a concentration in economics to be the most beneficial. Aspiring graduates will learn the skills necessary to understand finance, marketing, global economy, and the legal and ethical implications for each.


Startup culture within the United States has spread dramatically in recent years, with America claiming over half of venture capital investments globally. As the demand for entrepreneurial savviness rises, management degree-seekers interested in bootstrapping their own businesses will find value in an entrepreneurship concentration. This field of study will prepare individuals for starting their own companies, and it will cover areas such as characteristics of successful entrepreneurs,  marketing, funding, and ways to prepare to start an enterprise of their own.

Human Resources Management

Human resources managers play an essential role in organizations worldwide. Human resources management professionals are responsible for creating employee policies, talent acquisition efforts, onboarding materials, and securing medical, retirement, and other staff benefits. Leaders in human resources must strategize about ways in which they can grow their workforce and collaborate with other organizational leaders to increase employee engagement efforts. These individuals must have strong interpersonal, mediation, and problem-solving skills in order to be successful in their careers.


One of the biggest challenges many companies face is connecting to their target audience and securing a strong consumer base. Business leaders who specialize in marketing will work largely with creative teams to design effective campaigns to increase customers and conversions. Organizational managers with a keen eye for marketing bring enormous value to their businesses as their efforts directly contribute to the organization’s profitability.

Project Management

By concentrating in project management, future business leaders will be better prepared to conceive, create, and strategize on specific organizational projects. Those earning a concentration in project management will learn how to identify strengths among team members to assign specific jobs for successful project completion. Additionally, they will be able to analyze project results and strategize on appropriate action to pivot projects as necessary to achieve the best business results.

Depending on the path students decide to take during their studies, they will be able to pursue a number of lucrative careers upon graduation from the program.

Career Options with a B.A. in Management

As previously stated, earning a bachelor of arts in management can unlock the doors to opportunities those without such a degree would have a difficult time securing. Depending on their specific area of interest, graduates can pursue a number of careers in management. Below are just some of the opportunities that might be immediately available to program graduates.

Advertising, Promotions & Marketing Managers

Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers lead the charge on campaigns and programs designed to increase interest in their brand, products, or services. Those working as managers for advertising, promotions, or marketing in California earn an average of $137,630 annually, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employment in this segment is projected to grow by 8% between 2018 and 2028. Leaders in this area should not only be able to manage teams and projects but should also be creative and have the ability to adapt campaigns according to consumer demands and preferences.

Human Resources Managers

Human resources managers are responsible for a number of organizational factors — namely, a business’ administrative functions. From talent acquisition and employee policy creation to benefits selection and engagement efforts, human resources management is incredibly important to building a powerful workforce as well as a strong company culture. In California, human resources managers earn an average of $142,870 annually, with employment projected to grow by 7% between 2018 and 2028 (BLS).

Financial Managers

The financial goals, reporting, investment activities, and overall strategy are each determined by a business’ financial manager. These individuals are responsible for ensuring their organizations are on track to meet both short- and long-term monetary goals, assisting in areas such as company insurance, budgeting, and financial planning. Financial managers in California earn an average of $157,480 annually, with employment set to increase by 16% from now until 2028 — much faster than the national average for employment across all industries.

Sales Managers

Sales managers are responsible for directing the sales teams within an organization. Whether selling a product or service, these leaders initiate relationships between businesses and their clients to build long-lasting partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Individuals working in sales management will often need to travel as part of their job duties, meeting with clients to facilitate effective communications. The average sales manager in California earns $134,010 annually, with California currently employing the most sales managers in the United States at 76,950.

Computer and Information Systems Managers

Technology is one of the most important aspects of any business: it’s responsible for connecting teams in multinational organizations; tracking sales, personnel, and client data; and producing fundamental services and products. So having functioning computers and reliable information systems is essential for all organizations. Computer and information systems managers ensure compliance and functionality across all technology-related activities within an organization. On average, California computer and information systems managers earn $180,250 annually.

National University’sBachelor of Arts in Management Program

Many successful business leaders begin their journey by entering the Bachelor of Arts in Management program at National University. Our students are largely comprised of adult learners re-entering academia to reach their professional goals. Keeping in mind our students’ work and life obligations, our programs are designed to accommodate busy schedules.

At National, students register for one course offered over a four-week period so they can learn the same materials in one month that would normally require a full semester to understand. Our management degree program is tailored for online learning, enabling students to achieve their degrees from the comfort of their own home. Our management courses include a broad network of business practicum and professional development opportunities, allowing students to graduate with confidence and the hands-on experience they need to succeed in the field.

Unlock your true potential by submitting your application to earn your B.A. in management at National today.

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