Navigating Maze Of Federal Financial Aid | National University

Navigating Maze Of Federal Financial Aid

Federal Financial Aid

Federal financial aid can be complicated and for many adult students, navigating through the many options can seem like an interminable roadblock when they are thinking about going to college. Yet, there has never been a better time to consider completing a degree or pursuing a new one. And technology is the biggest reason why.

Think about it. Drones inspect deteriorating bridges. Homeowners ask digital assistants to turn on their lights. Global employees gather around their laptops for a remote meeting to strategize around a recent computer hack. Your phone is “smart” and maybe the automobile you are sitting in is driving itself. The world once imagined by science fiction blockbusters has become reality, driven largely by rapid advances in technology and automation.

This is the new normal. But just beneath the shiny surface of automated wonder and electronic convenience is a downshift in demand for jobs once performed by humans. Change doesn’t always mean jobs disappear, however. In some industries, roles and tasks are evolving to adjust to these new advances. Jobs that require human interaction or that take place in unpredictable environments are poised to increase in demand, while physically demanding jobs or work that requires processing data will likely become scarce, according to a 2017 report by the McKinsey Global Institute.

By 2030, up to 54 million adults may find they need to learn new skills or complete another level of education in order to find work in a new field, McKinsey reports. Even those who don’t need to change career paths will need to adapt and increase their skills to keep up with technological advances. But the future isn’t bleak. If current trends follow historical patterns, productivity will rise and with it — opportunity.

Education is the key to thriving in an evolving workplace. What’s holding you back?

Education Sticker Shock

Adding up the annual costs of higher education may give prospective adult learners sticker shock, and it’s no wonder. College tuition has been on a steady increase since the dawn of the millennium, and today four out of 10 adults age 18 to 29 are paying off student loans.

But there is hope. Federal financial aid programs can and do provide much-needed support. Still, the graduating high school class of 2017 left about $2.3 billion in free federal student grant money for college unclaimed, according to a recent analysis by NerdWallet. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation estimates that annually 2 million students don’t apply for financial aid they are eligible to receive. Non-traditional students, in particular, often incorrectly assume their age and annual income eliminates them from the pool of available funds.

In some cases, failing to pursue financial aid can mean some students simply cannot afford college, while others take on more debt than they can manage.

The Payoff of a Degree

Despite the short-term obligations, the long-term benefits of higher education beg the question: Can you really afford not to go to college? The overwhelming majority of millennials with at least a college degree — about nine out of 10 — say the cost of their education has already paid off or will pay off in terms of job security, satisfaction and higher earning potential, according to Pew Research. Higher wages aren’t just an assumption — college-educated millennials reportedly earn an average of $17,500 more a year than their peers who hold just a high school diploma, according to Pew. That gap is wider now than it was in previous generations.

Finish Faster

Adult learners come from a variety of backgrounds, from parents returning to school after raising a family, to active-duty or retired servicemembers, to career-changers or high-school graduates who delayed pursuit of higher education. No matter the circumstances, a degree can be a pathway to a career instead of just a paycheck and can help bolster the so-called “soft skills,” like team management and communication, that are relevant to any field. National University can help make the goal of a degree a more accessible reality.

Remote learning may conjure images of late-night infomercials, but the reality is quite the opposite. Adult learners can pursue their passion at any one of National University’s four professional schools: the School of Business and Management, School of Engineering and Computing, School of Health and Human Services, or School of Professional Studies. Or, they may prefer to attend one of National University’s two colleges — the Sanford College of Education and College of Letters and Sciences. It is possible to complete an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree with 70 options available to earn online. The school also offers a variety of certificate programs in in-demand fields, including healthcare, education, law, and business.

Founded in 1971 by retired US Navy Captain David Chigos, National University remains faithful to its military roots, offering military tuition discounts and scholarships to those who are serving or have served, as well as their dependents. Thirty percent of the school’s 30,000 students each year are active-duty servicemembers and Veterans. Still, the student body is a diverse one, with students from across the U.S. and around the globe.

Students can work on their course programs on their own schedule from whatever location is convenient. Flexible monthly starts and accelerated four-week formats bring commencement even closer to reality, without sacrificing the high-quality academic rigor once reserved for the traditional campus experience.

Post-graduation, National University helps its students and alumni achieve their professional aspirations via career counseling, resume and cover letter critique, and mock interviews.

But First, FAFSA

National University’s financial aid staff is ready to help navigate the anticipated costs of a degree, and identify the resources available through student loans and grants. In order to qualify for federal assistance to offset or delay the cost of tuition, students must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as FAFSA.

Non-traditional students may wonder, “Do I even qualify for FAFSA?” The good news is there is no age limit associated with eligibility. As long as the basic requirements are met, there is no reason a non-traditional student cannot receive some form of aid.

There is no fee to submit a FAFSA and it can be completed online. Every college student should plan to fill it out annually, as federal financial aid awards cannot be made without this information. The deadline varies by state, but since some aid is awarded on a first-come, first served basis, it’s best not to procrastinate. The submission period is open from October to June every year.

It can be a daunting task to complete FAFSA, however. Currently topping out at three times the length of the standard federal income tax form, with more than 180 questions, many students simply skip over filling out the form or abandon it without completing it. But it is a critical first step in securing federal financial aid — and one that can be taken even before committing to a particular school or program.

Filling out the form online will yield the fastest turnaround on results, and it also provides handy resources to help in answering the questions.

What You Will Need

Gathering the necessary documents in advance will help ease the process of completing the FAFSA. Students should have handy:

  1. Their Social Security Number
  2. Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. citizen)
  3. Federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned. (Note: It may be possible to transfer a federal tax return information into FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.)
  4. Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  5. Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
  6. A Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) to sign electronically

Once the FAFSA has been electronically signed and submitted online, a personalized Student Aid Report, or SAR, will follow roughly a week or two later. The SAR will note the student’s expected family contribution toward tuition and outline eligibility for federal financial aid.
It’s important to review this document very carefully to ensure everything has been summarized accurately and completely. Any mistakes on a SAR can be corrected, but it will require resubmitting the FAFSA.

National University offers eligible students access to grant and loan programs, a comprehensive Financial Aid Guide, and, for those times when a live person on the end of the phone is an absolute must, a staff of financial aid advisors ready to help. Financial assistance can take many forms, and it’s important to understand what each federal offering entails.

The office of Federal Student Aid offers more than $150 billion to students every year. The financial assistance can help learners pay for tuition, housing, food, or to buy the books and supplies needed to complete coursework.

The FAFSA4caster can help calculate the estimated aids and costs associated with enrollment.
Not every type of aid is created equal, however. There are a number of options available:

Federal Grants

Grants are essentially free money for education and should serve as the financial foundation for higher learning. Unlike scholarships, which are often awarded to honor achievement in academics, sports or other criteria, grants are usually made based on an applicant’s financial need. And, under most circumstances, they don’t need to be repaid. State and local governments may have their own grants to disburse. These may be based primarily on income, but also may help encourage underrepresented or disadvantaged populations to enroll in college. Grants distributed by the federal government fall into one of four categories:

Federal Loans

As with any loan, a federal student loan must be repaid with interest — regardless of whether the degree program has been completed. The amount that a student can borrow will be dependent on the information provided via the FAFSA, but in most cases, a credit check will not be required and no co-signer will be needed.

Federal loans for college fall into one of three categories:

Tax Credits

Once enrolled in school, tax credits can be an often-overlooked short-term benefit of making an investment in a degree. Currently, there are two options to reduce income on federal taxes:

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